The Benefits of Using a Business Consultant

An outside perspective from a professional business consultant can help many small business owners improve operations for business growth.

Here are some of the advantages you can enjoy through the services of a consultant:

  • Gain expertise without paying for a new hire. The consultant comes with no FICO taxes, expensive employee benefits like healthcare, or human resources formalities, which are necessary for full-time or part-time staff members.

  • Simply terminate when no longer needed. Laying off or firing a regular employee can be complex, whereas the consulting firm works on contract. With an independent business consultant, you can end the contract at the agreed-upon time or possibly extend it, as needed.

  • Enjoy contract flexibility. You can negotiate the length of your consultant’s contract, make part of payment contingent upon producing specific results, hire for a specific project only, and more. You may hire a consultant to help streamline your operations, provide sales training or marketing strategy and/or set up your IT infrastructure. You might also contract an accountant (or CFO-for-hire) to organize your corporate structure, books, and taxes.

  • Determine ROI by tracking. You can charge consultant fees to specific parts of your budget, to help calculate the value to your company over time.

  • Access an external perspective. Not being part of your staff, a sales or marketing consultant, for example, can bring an objective and broad perspective that insiders might miss. A fresh point-of-view can often boost your business.

  • Get the depth of experience. You might hire your temporary consultant at a higher level than you could afford to have on staff permanently. You can even get a former C-level executive to share his or her expertise with your company. Your consultant may offer lengthy industry experience or subject matter expertise that you do not have. You get to pick the brain of an expert, who may even act as a mentor, for a period of time.

In today’s competitive environment, working with a tight business budget, you need to stand out–without necessarily expanding your headcount. Get an expert business consultant to help grow your business. Contact Coherence Strategy Group today.


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