Is Coaching for you?

Combining the best aspects of business, psychology, strategy, and spirituality, coaching allows individuals (or teams, or companies) to overcome challenges, reach goals, and grow – improving their lives professionally and personally.

The concept of coaching isn’t new, but I think learning more about what it is and why it’s helpful can be of benefit if you are considering obtaining coaching in an area of your life.

There are three main reasons why coaching is valuable, and why it works:

  • It’s a collaborative process.  Through an intentional partnership, the client and coach can accomplish more than anyone on their own. Gaining an outside perspective and guide to facilitate growth through insights, dialogue and intentional exercises can be a catalyst to jumpstart personal growth efforts, or a bridge to overcome challenges that an individual may be struggling to navigate on their own.

  • It’s holistic and formative.  With the right coaching guide, clients grow in ways that are integrated into who they are going forward. Leadership capabilities are enhanced, new skills are added to their repoirtoire, and in the areas for which they’ve received coaching they have greater capabilities to face similar challenges in the future. Coaching has (when done well) a lasting impact that improves the quality of life for recipients well beyond the coaching engagement. Often, we are ill-equipped to resolve challenges to growth within our own expertise. As we invite outside perspectives into our process, we not only gain new capabilities to face future challenges, but we are also shaped and formed with a broader perspective that allows us to see the world and opportunities in new ways.

  • It’s a systemic, intentional process. Through the expert knowledge of a coach, clients can learn new methods to set goals, make better decisions, and restructure their life towards wholeness. Coaching provides a system of connected and ongoing dialogues with intentional inputs and outcomes. Through the process, sessions build upon one another, creating an outcome greater than any of the benefits of each individual session. Through this connected process, growth occurs and is integrated into a new way of engaging and perceiving experiences and opportunities.

Good candidates for coaching include: leaders, entrepreneurs, business owners, or those needing a personal or professional plan of action to overcome a lingering or growth-inhibiting challenge.

In an effort to achieve outcomes (not just reach goals), a coach will help a client with the following:

  1. Setting goals & identifying outcomes

  2. Gaining focus

  3. Designing strategies

  4. Making business decisions

  5. Prioritizing actions

  6. Growing business

  7. Increasing sales

  8. Increasing work performance

  9. Overcoming challenges

  10. Personal growth

Over a series of sessions, a coach helps the client uncover root causes that have inhibited their forward growth. Then, together, coach and client map out and action strategies that equip the coaching client to navigate and overcome the challenges and achieve the outcomes they long for. Coaches benefit clients by expecting more, holding clients accountable, and providing a safe, candid space in which to grow. This ensures clients have the greatest probability of lasting success in the areas they hope to address. If you have any questions or are interested in exploring what our coaching services can do for you or your business, please call or email, we’d love to help!


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